Monday, November 23, 2009

Book, Chapter, and Paper

  1. Abdullah, M. Amin. 2001. "Muhammadiyah's Experience in Promoting Civil Society on the Eve of the 21st Century." In Mitsuo Nakamura, Sharon Siddique, and Omar Farouk Bajunid. Islam & civil society in Southeast Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. pp. 43-54.
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  3. Abdul-Samad, M.A. 1991. "Modernism and Islam in Indonesia with Special
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  4. Alawiyah Najib, Tuti. 2006. "Bapelurzam Kendal: A Muhammadiyah Zakat Movement." Caider S. Bamualim Islamic Philanthropy and Social Development. Jakarta: Center for the Study of Religion and Culture. pp. 143-166.
  5. Aljunied, Syed Muhd Khairuddin. 2009. "Sustaining Islamic Activism in Secular Environments: The Muhammadiyah Movement in Singapore." ARI Working Paper Series No. 120. August 2009.
  6. Anwar, Qomari. 2005. The future of Muhammadiyah education: a curriculum development center for better quality. Jakarta: Uhamka Press.
  7. An Najah, Ahmad Zain. "Majlis Tarjih Muhammadiyah: Pengenalan, Penyempurnaan dan Pengembangan."
  8. Baried, Baroroh. 1986. "Islam and the Modernization of Indonesian Women." in Taufik Abdullah and Sharon Siddique. Islam and Society in Southeast Asia. Singapore: ISEAS. pp. 139-154.
  9. -----. 1987. "Muslim women and social change in Indonesia : The work of Aisyiyah." in Diana L. Eck and Devaki Jain. 1987. Speaking of faith: global perspectives on women, religion and social change. Philadelphia, Pa: New Society.
  10. Basri, Agus. 2003. Muhammadiyah, facing the global era: profile of Muhammadiyah. [Jakarta]: Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia.
  11. Beck, Herman L. 1994. ‘Een eeneiige tweeling. Sura 3:110 als inspiratiebron voor modernisten en fundamentalisten in de islam in IndonesiĆ«’, in: H.L. Beck en K.-W. Merks: Fundamentalisme. Ethisch fundamentalisme in wereldgods-diensten. [Annalen van het Thijmgenootschap, jaargang 82, aflevering 3]. Ambo, Baarn [1994], pp. 88-104.
  12. -----. 1995. "Islamic purity at odds with Javanese identity: the Muhammadiyah and the celebration of the Garebeg Maulud ritual in Yogyakarta". In Jan Platvoet and Karel van der Toorn (eds.). Pluralism and Identity: Studies in Ritual Behaviour. Leiden: Brill.
  13. -----. 1999. ‘Islamitisch modernisme en mystiek. De Muhammadiyah en Pangestu op Centraal-Java, IndonesiĆ«’, in: Marjo Buitelaar en Johan ter Haar (red.): Mystiek: het andere gezicht van de islam. Bussum 1999, pp. 75-89.
  14. -----. 2001. "The Borderline between Muslim Fundamentalism and Muslim Modernism: An Indonesian Example." in Anton Houtepen and Jan Willem van Henten. 2001. Religious identity and the invention of tradition. Assen, the Netherlands: Royal Van Gorcum. pp. 279-291.
  15. Burhani, Ahmad Najib. 2006. "JIMM: pemberontakan generasi muda Muhammadiyah terhadap puritanisme and skripturalisme persyarikatan." in Neng Dara Afifah (ed.). Reformasi gerakan keislaman pasca Orde Baru: upaya merambah dimensi baru Islam, Jakarta: Balitbang Depag RI. pp. 352-399.
  16. Doorn-Harder, Pieternella van. 2006. Women shaping Islam: Indonesian women reading the Qur'an. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  17. Eck, Diana L., and Devaki Jain. 1987. Speaking of faith: global perspectives on women, religion and social change. Philadelphia, Pa: New Society.
  18. Ilyas, Yunahar. "Agenda Tajdid Muhammadiyah di Bidang Pemikiran dan Amal Kemasyarakatan."
  19. Jahroni, Jajang Sukma, Rizal and Joewono, Clara (eds). 2007). "The salafi movement in Indonesia: from Muhammadiyah to Laskar Jihad." Islamic thought and movements in contemporary Indonesia. Centre for Strategic and International Studies , Jakarta.
  20. Mudzakkir, Rof'ah. 2005. "The Indonesian Muslim women’s movement and the issue of polygamy: the `Aisyiyah interpretation of Qur’an 4:3 and 4:129." In Abdullah Saeed. Approaches to the Qur'an in contemporary Indonesia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 175-192.
  21. Nakamura, Mitsuo. 1977. "Professor Haji [Abdul] Kahar Muzakkir and the development of the reformist movement in Indonesia." in B. Anderson and others (ed.). Religion and Social Ethos in Indonesia. Clayton: Monash University. pp. 1-20.
  22. -----. 1980. "The Reformist ideology of Muhammadiyah." in J.J. Fox. Indonesia: the Making of a Culture. Canberra: Australian National University. pp. 273-86. Originally, Paper read at the panel on Focus on Islam: as a part of the School Seminar Series, " The Indonesian Connection," held at the Research School of Pacific Studies, the Australian National University, 9 November 1979.
  23. -----. 1980. Sufi elements in Muhammadiyah?: notes from field observation. Canberra? Australia: s.n.
  24. -----. 1983. The crescent arises over the banyan tree: a study of the Muhammadiyah movement in a central Javanese town. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
  25. -----. 1983. The Cultural and religious identity of Javanese Muslims, the case of the Muhammadiyah.
  26. -----. 2012. The Crescent Arises over the Banyan Tree: A Study of the Muhammadiyah Movement in a Central Javanese Town, c.1910s-2010 (Second Enlarged Edition). Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
  27. Noer, Deliar. 1973. The modernist Muslim movement in Indonesia, 1900-1942. East Asian historical monographs. Singapore: Oxford University Press.
  28. Markus, Sudibyo. 2007. "Education and Multiculturalism: A Muhammadiyah Case Study." Presented at the Conference on Muslim Students In Australia Universities, University of West Sydney, 3 September 2007.
  29. Peacock, James L. 1978. Muslim puritans: reformist psychology in Southeast Asian Islam. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  30. -----. 1979. "Dahlan and Rasul: Indonesian Muslim Reformers." in Alton L. Becker and Aram A. Yengoyan. 1979. The Imagination of reality: essays in Southeast Asian coherence systems. Norwood, N.J.: ABLEX Pub. Corp. pp. 245-268.
  31. -----. 1992. Purifying the faith: the Muhammadijah movement in Indonesian Islam. Monographs in Southeast Asian Studies. [Tempe, Ariz.]: Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University.
  32. Syamsiyatun, Siti. 200?. "Community Development in the Eyes of Indonesian Muslim Women: Nasyiatul Aisyiyah during the New Order Regime." in Kevin Brown et al. (eds.). Conference Proceedings: Community Development, Human Rights and the Grassroots. Geelong: Centre for Citizenship and Human Rights, Deakin University. pp. 266-79.
  33. -----. 2004. "The Origin of Nasyiah: Organising for Articulating Religious-based Womanhood in Pre-Independence Indonesia." in R. Cribb (ed.). Asia Examined: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Conference of the ASAA 2004. Canberra: ASAA & Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, the Australian National University. pp. 1-25.
  34. Syamsuddin, M. Din. 2006. "Islam and the New Indonesian Democracy." Mershon Center for International Security Studies. 25-Apr-2006.
  35. Yayasan Lukman Harun (Indonesia). 2000. Lukman Harun in the course of history and politics. Jakarta: Lukman Harun Foundation.

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