Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Religion and politics in Islam: The case of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia's New Order

Religion and politics in Islam: The case of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia's New Order
by Syamsuddin, M. Sirajuddin, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1991, 311 pages; AAT 9134054

Abstract (Summary)

The main concern of this dissertation is how to reconcile Islamic ideals with the political realities of a particular society at any given time. The relationship between religion and politics in Islam is addressed as a major problem in Islamic political thought.

A variety of solutions proposed by various Muslim political thinkers to this problem are analyzed, so as to show the continuity and change in the development of Islamic political thought and to provide a groundwork for the examination of an attempt by Indonesian Muslims--as exemplified by an overtly non-political organization, the Muhammadiyah--to solve the problem within the Indonesian political and cultural contexts in the New Order period (1965-to the present).

It is argued that the Muhammadiyah's solution to the problem reflects the symbiosis between Islam and politics in the pre-modern and modern paradigms. Yet, the nature of the Muhammadiyah' s symbiosis tended to change in accordance with its structural transformation and the dynamic of Indonesian politics.

It is shown that Indonesian politics, which essentially constitutes competition between "politicized Islam" and "non-politicized Islam", has, under the New Order's regime, included a depoliticization of Islam bringing political defeat to the former. But the Islamic movements' change in orientation, from politicization to cultural absorption into Islam, and the emergence of growing Islamic intellectualism are seen to have paved the way to an Islamic cultural revival.

It is suggested that this process has also been advanced by the regime's need to coopt Islam, and the exercising of a new mode of Islamic polity: allocative politics. The Muhammadiyah's allocative politics has shown significant achievements, yet some problems still exist. The prospects for this "repoliticization" of Islam depends greatly on the Muhammadiyah's ability to solve those problems.

Indexing (document details)

Advisor:Binder, Leonard
School:University of California, Los Angeles
School Location:United States -- California
Source:DAI-A 52/06, p. 2171, Dec 1991
Source type:Dissertation
Subjects:Religion, Political science
Publication Number: AAT 9134054
Document URL:http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=747390531&sid=1&Fmt=2&cli entId=48051&RQT=309&VName=PQD
ProQuest document ID:747390531

1 comment:

  1. Why Islam is political

    This page discusses about Political Islam, Muslim issues and solutions and framework for Islamic civilization.

