Monday, August 19, 2013

Irfan Dahlan and Ahmadiyya: A Clarification from Dr. Winai Dahlan

The following note was written by Dr. Winai Dahlan, a son of Irfan Dahlan or a grandson of KH Ahmad Dahlan, as a response to the information regarding the relation between his father and the Lahore Ahmadiya. The note was originally posted on my facebook wall on August 19, 2013.

Thanks Brother Burhani for sending me an article of my niece concerning my father, Erfaan Dahlan. I have studied the story of my father by reading from several sources, recalling from my memory of him, discussing with many old friends of his as well as with my elder sisters and brothers. Jumhan bin KHA Dahlan together with 3 more young men were sent by decision of Muhammadiyyah leading committee to continue their studies in Lahore at madarasah of Ahmaddiyah in 1924, one year after the pass away of Jumhan's father, KHA Dahlan. Jumhan was only one finally who graduated 6 years later in 1930, a year after Ahmaddiyah was fatwa in Solo as non-Islam. Jumhan at that time changed his name to Erfaan Dahlan had done his duty by finishing his study and had no place to go. One can imagine that 80 years ago with distorted and exaggerated information from homeland to young man of 20 year old like Erfaan, how much he felt worried and scared. His decision was not going back home in Kauman since his mame was used by Ahmaddiyah in Yogyakarta as a member of Ahmaddiyah movement founder.

He came to Pattani Thailand during 1930 to spend his life as assistant of Dr.Khan, a Pakistani doctor who had dedicated his life by working there. I met several sons of Dr.Khan who insisted that their father was not Ahmaddiyah but one time by chance had visited Lahore for attending a meeting. He met Erfaan who urged to accept him working as assistant in Thailand. Erfaan had worked with Dr.Khan for a year before wandering northward to Nakhonsrithammarat and finally to Bangkok. He probably met my mother, a daughter of Masjid Java's Imam, during his 25 year old of age. Impress of Erfaan's character and humble manner, Imam finally granted his youngest daugter, Yaharah, to my father. When they married, my mother was 16 a decade younger than her husband. My mother always made joke about poverty of Erfaan by saying he had only 2 sarongs when they married possibly in the year of 1934.

My father had spent 27 years of his life in Thailand until passing away on 8 May 1967 left behind 10 children with my mother. We had never learned about his life in Lahore, he just kept quiet about madarasah of Ahmaddiyah, I don't think that he had good mehmory there but did mention time to time about his joyful life in the family of a great man in Kauman but as a child I thought that he boasted of his big family that he had high pride. Who was his father we did not know until 1965 when he went first time back to Indonesia and returned to Bangkok with several stamps of KHA Dahlan. The poor family in Bangkok had finally something to be proud of, our grandfather was a national hero but on what we did not know.

Many rumours mentioned that my father was Ahmadist or follower of Ahmaddiyah, but we in family realized that it was only fitna. My father with all his life was Muhammadiyah who had sacrificed his whole life protecting reputation of his father by fading his profile in a land that little known by members of Muhammadiyyah in Indonesia. He had been depressed not to attend funeral of his mother Nyai Walidah but one day he was discovered by his elder sister, Aisah, that he who had disappeared from family for many decades was in Bangkok having big family with Javanese descendents. I met Auntie Aisah with her daughter Ibu Maisaroh when I was very young when they visited my family. Auntie Aisah tried to persuade my father going back to Indonesia but with 8 children at that time it was absolutely impossible.

My Brother Burhani, we really need Ahmaddiyah people to behave as gentlemen by leaving my father resting in peace not using him for raising up their reputation. Studying in Madarasah of Ahmaddiyah does not mean that he sold out his soul to be Ahmadist, he just did his responsibility to finish his education never let other people down. Therefore nothing in KHA Dahlan's family in Thailand links with Ahmaddiyah but so proud of KHA Dahlan as founder of Muhammadiyah. Fitna is fitna, just ignore and do not make it interfere our life.

Thank you all brothers and sisters, I really have no opinion on Ahmaddiyah, neither thinking that they are not Islam, that's just political issue behind the hidden conflict which finally weaken Islam in many ways. How can we compete with other beliefs and civilizations while such stories chained our legs? My corrections are also on some mistakes about my link to Thailand's royal family. I am just ordinary man with nothing link to my beloved King and Crown Prince. I am neither King's advisor or Crown Prince's friend, that story was just misinformation and sound not good and disrespectful as Thais. I therefore would like all Indonesians correct it. Another story was that my father had no relation with Chulalongkorn University, sorry my dear niece, Diah, that's also wrong information. Erfaan came to Bangkok not by assignment of Dr.Khan, he just left Pattani for seeking his own life after learning that there was Javanese community in Bangkok. Warm family of my mother's family especially great love and understanding of my mother on him had cured his pain from political defect caused by all stories happened in Yogyakarta, his hometown. Forgive and forget were taught that my father always gave to us. He told me when I was very young that all men if go out from birthplace one day have to go back and do anything good to their homeland. My father had no opportunity to do as his teaching, such duty is on my shoulder. As a son of my father this is the answer why I acceted an invitation to come to this beautiful land of great nation during Congress of Indonesian Diaspora II in Jakarta this time. I am a Thai belong to such fascinating country and I consider Indonesia as my father's homeland. If I can do anything good to Indonesia I shall do it on behalf of my family. We are thinking in our family that the fitna about my father in Indonesia during 1920s was hidayah from Allah Almighty, imagine, without such fitna, we would have never been born, Alhamdulillah. La ila ha il lallah, Muhammadar rasullulalah.

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  1. klarifikasi yang sangat bagus dr dr. winai semoga bisa mencerahkan / dan meluruskan tentang sejarah tentang djumhan dahlan yang selama ini selalu di kaitkan denagn ahmaddiyah

  2. Diah Purnamasari Zuhair II: Thank you uncle Winai for the clarification. There are many same rumours about grandpa and Ahmadiyya too in this group that's needed to be cleared. Your clarification is very important for us.
    Thank you so much
    August 20, 2013 at 6:52am · Unlike · 4

    Najib Burhani: Thanks Brother Winai Dahlan for the clarification. I will spread this information to the world. Because there have been many articles in international academic journals about the relation between Ahmadiyya and Irfan Dahlan, I will try to write an article on this issue and correct misunderstanding about Irfan Dahlan. Hopefully that will work. salam.
    August 20, 2013 at 7:41am · Like · 5

    Rahmat Ali: @Winai | Terima kasih banyak atas klarifikasinya. Semoga hal tersebut menjadi suatu kejelasan bagi kami, saya dan tentunya teman-teman Ahmadi [Qadian], pula sudah/bakal memaklumi dari awal bila ada berita-berita semacam itu.

    Tapi, memang, ada pula yang awalnya bertanya "Apa iya?". Paling tidak, pemaklumannya adalah mungkin ia Ahmadiyah Lahore dan bukan Ahmadiyah Qadian, atau sebagaimana yang telah diklarifikasikan Saudara @Winai bahwa sekadar belajar di madrasah Ahmadiyah di Lahore bukan berarti Almarhum menjadi seorang Ahmadi.

    JazaaKumul-Loohu ahsanal-Jazaa'.
    August 20, 2013 at 7:42am · Unlike · 1

    Diah Purnamasari Zuhair II: Yes uncle. Please forgive me for the mistake information I wrote too. I just wrote what I ever heard, but maybe some informations I got were missed, and then I made mistake.. I'm highly sorry for this..
    You and Bangkok family are more competent to explain about this, because it is about grandpa's and Bangkok family
    I hope after your explanation, everything will be okay in future..
    August 20, 2013 at 9:58am · Edited · Unlike · 1

  3. Diah Purnamasari Zuhair II: Pak Najib Burhani : saya sangat berterima kasih atas adanya Blog ini. Dan saya sangat bersyukur karena pada akhirnya terjadi interaksi langsung antara Pak Najib dengan Paman Winai dan keluarga Bangkok yang lebih berkompeten untuk menjelaskan dan mengklarifikasi isu yang telah merusak nama baik kakek kami sejak 1924 hingga saat ini (89 tahun). Semoga keinginan pak Najib untuk mengklarifikasi hal ini dengan pihak Ahmadiyah di Lahore juga segera terrealisasi, sehingga ke depan nanti tidak ada lagi nama Irfan Dahlan disebut-sebut oleh mereka.
    Terima kasih banyak
    August 20, 2013 at 10:10am · Like

    Najib Burhani: Bu Diah Purnamasari Zuhair II: Informasi tentang Irfan Dahlan ini memang simpang siur sejak dulu. Ketidakpulangnya ke Indonesia membuat banyak orang bertanya. Apakah dia dilarang pulang oleh keluarganya di Yogyakarta? Apakah menjadi muballigh Ahmadiyah di Thailand? Ahmadiyah Lahore ataukah Ahmadiyah Qadian? Lantas ada informasi dari GAI tentang Irfan Dahlan beserta foto dan catatannya. Meski masih banyak pertanyaan, semoga informasi dari Dr Winai Dahlan dan ibu semakin membuka tabir-tabir yang selama ini tertutup dan menyambung kekeluargaan yang putus.
    August 20, 2013 at 11:01am · Like

    Muthalib Samad: The comment that we read from the article clarifies that the important figure in this story did not belong to Jammat Ahmadyya Qadiyan while the report describes him as the member of Qadiyani. Which one is correct . As Mr Najib told me before, this figure belonged to the Lahore branch which is never condemned. But it is probably that Muhammadiyyah at that time also disallowed both branches Qadiyani and Lahore. Can any body show us the statement of theTtarjih on the fatwa on the issue of Ahmadiyyah at that time.
    August 20, 2013 at 11:49am · Unlike · 1

    Najib Burhani: Kang Asghar Ali: Terima kasih atas penjelasannya. Inshaallah nanti sy terjemahkan ke Bhs Inggris biar dibaca oleh kalangan lebih luas. Terima kasih kepada Mas Farid Setiawan yang baru mengirimkan surat dari Irfan Dahlan ketika berada di Lahore dan dimuat oleh Madjalah Soeara Moehammadijah nomor 7/th 5/1924, hal. 105-106. Ini semakin mengklarifikasi ttg hubungan Ahmadiyah dan Irfan Dahlan. Inshaallah besok sy upload surat2 itu.
    August 20, 2013 at 1:08pm · Edited · Like · 2

  4. komen dari Imtiyaz Yusuf di posting Najib Burhani penting kita baca:

    "I think the issue is about the larger debate in Islam about reason and tradition in Islam. So the reformers are attracted to reason more than tradition. That is why the traditionalist accuse rationalist reformers by giving them wrong titles such Ahmadiyyah, Mutazilah, Nechari, Darriyun (materialist) etc. So we should be clear abt this before we accept ideas that this or that person is Ahmadiyyah."

    Najib Burhani: Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf: I think the issue of the Ahmadiyya can not be confined in the debate between reason and tradition in Islam. Currently, some people easily accuse other people as an Ahmadi or Shi'i just because he has a different view on certain religious issue. It becomes a label or 'name tag' for those who are different from 'us'. Historically, during the time when Irfan Dahlan studied at Lahore, it was used as a battle ground between Dutch-educated Muslim reformists and Arab-educated Muslim reformists. Tjokroaminoto, Agus Salim, & Sukarno, for instance, were supportive to some ideas brought by the Ahmadiyya. Muhammadiyah, which was part of reformist Muslims and attracted to reason more than tradition, issued a fatwa against theAhmadiyya at that time.

    Najib Burhani: Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf: I think the issue of the Ahmadiyya can not be confined in the debate between reason and tradition in Islam. Currently, some people easily accuse other people as an Ahmadi or Shi'i just because he has a different view on certain religious issue. It becomes a label or 'name tag' for those who are different from 'us'. Historically, during the time when Irfan Dahlan studied at Lahore, it was used as a battle ground between Dutch-educated Muslim reformists and Arab-educated Muslim reformists. Tjokroaminoto, Agus Salim, & Sukarno, for instance, were supportive to some ideas brought by the Ahmadiyya. Muhammadiyah, which was part of reformist Muslims and attracted to reason more than tradition, issued a fatwa against theAhmadiyya at that time.
    August 20, 2013 at 7:34pm · Like

  5. salam...
    berikut saya kirimkan scan laporan hoofdbestuur moehammadijah tentang beasiswa pendidikan bagi irfan dahlan. di dalam scan ni juga ada surat irfan tatkalan pamit ke Lahore...

    Farid Setiawan
    Majelis Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
    Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah D.I. Yogyakarta
    Jl.Gedongkuning, No. 130 B, Kode Pos: 55171
    Hp: 081.578.050.144 / 081.392.024.913
